ezt az cikket buzzneten találtam, a veronika magazine csinált
egy interjút Villével :D itt még nem láttam ugyh ide berakom neked :D
(nagyon jó az oldal, ez a kedvencem :P)

Jackass or the Dudesons?
Jackass! The Dudesons are just like us from Finland and we don't know them so well like the guys from Jackass, who are good friends from us. And they're crazy, just like us!
What's your stupiest purchase ever?
A house in Helsinki. I didn't have the time to go on a househunt so you end up with something that you didn't want to buy at all. Ah well, I'm never around there.
Where were you on 11 September?
We were in Madrid to do promotion. Except for the thing that everyone was in shock, we stranded there because it was a mess on the airport, with cancelled flights and such.
God or Darwin?
Darwin. I think he's a cool guy. I like his vision on things. With God you just have to wait.
Best movie ever?
I really love movies from Hitchcock, like Vertigo. After that, the Godfather trilogy is brilliant too. And I saw a while back the movie Pan's Labyrinth, I thought it was so fantastic! It was very beautifully made.
What's your favorite song?
Tough question, because they're so many!
Heart of gold from Neil Young is my all time favourite. And Public Pervert from Interpol is very cool too.
Biggest irritation?
I'm irritated that I don't sleep so much and because I sleep to less I'm quicker irritated by things.
What's your most beautiful day from your life?
I think it has to be Christmas 1982. My mother told me that I was getting a brother, I was so happy with that.
What's in your last text message?
I only get very boring messages. The last one is from our producer Tim Palmer, he tells us what we still need to do and that kind of things.
Are you supersticious?
Not really. I don't have problems with black cats. But I don't like speed, I really don't want to be in a fast car.
What's the strangest rumour you've ever heard about yourself?
That I'm a depressive bastard. I'm not, I'm really happy. I also didn't made anyone pregnant, like I heard. And I once heard that I had a terminal desease.
What does cheating mean for you?
I'm single now for quite a while, so I don't have the chance to cheat on someone. And it's like what kinda relationship you have. Different people, different ways of dealing with eachother.
Where do you fantasize about sometimes?
That I can take vacantion for a long time. I think this life of me is fantastic but it goes in the highest speed. You're flying the world over and the jetlags you get is not really good for your health.
What's your biggest nightmare?
When I could sleep longer, I can know it maybe! I'm not scared for anything except for speed. Death and darkness doesn't scare me.
How many money do you earn in a year?
I really don't know, but it's way less that people think. You have to investigate a lot as a band. We tour a lot and it's guessing what we get at the end of the year. We just have to sell a lot of t-shirts!
Biggest turn off from a woman?
Uhm, that's hard to tell. Every woman has something that makes her attractive. We had at home a sexshop and there were also some less prettier stuff...
Where don't you want to let people find you dead?
When we are back from our tour, I don't want to see America anymore for a while, but that's because I just want to be home. What I notice alot is that I don't like big city's.